Please enter the meeting password: The meeting requires a password enter the password provided by the meeting host.You will be prompted to join the meeting a short time after the host joins. Hosts automatically receive email asking them to join. Please wait for the host to start this meeting: The setting " enable join before host " is not set, and the host has not yet joined the meeting.Connect to the meeting using a desktop or mobile device instead. Room connector is not enabled for this meeting: If you are using videoconferencing equipment to join a meeting hosted by a free Zoom account or an account that doesn't have the room connector enabled, you will receive this error.You are on hold: The host has enabled a waiting room you'll remain on hold until the host admits you into the meeting room.If you are using videoconferencing equipment and the password contains alphabetical characters, contact the host. If you've received any of these messages:Ĭertain types of videoconferencing equipment will not allow you to type alphabetical characters into the Zoom password field.If you're on a desktop or mobile device, be sure you've installed the Zoom client and that it's up to date see What version of Zoom am I running?.

If you're unable to join a meeting, check these items: I can't access my recordings, I accidentally deleted a recording, or I can't record.I've joined my meeting, but no one else is here.